Importing external data into the Zirkonzahn Software 


Importing scanned files from third-party or intraoral scanners

Scans from third-party or intraoral scanners can be easily imported into the Zirkonzahn.Modellier software:

In order to import files from a third-party or intraoral scanner, click on “Import” on the start screen of the archive software.
Now select the desired file format.
In this case, TRIOS intraoral files were imported. Of course also other file formats can be imported - the workflow remains the same.
The imported scan data are visualised in the Zirkonzahn archive software.

Saving and loading different file formats

Zirkonzahn.Modellier can generate and process files with different formats

To generate a file with a certain format, click on the virtual design with the right mouse button and select “Save to file”.
Now you can save your design in various file formats.
Also the importing different file formats into the Zirkonzahn.Modellier software is possible.

Importing open modelling files

With the CAD/CAM STL-Import software module, open files from other dental CAD softwares can be imported into our nesting software and subsequently milled with our milling units:

Select “Import files” in order to import a reconstruction from another dental CAD software.
STL as well as OBJ files can be imported.
The imported files can now be nested and subsequently milled with all Zirkonzahn milling units.